TESOL | West Coast Baptist College


TESOL is an acronym for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It is estimated that there are nearly one billion people who speak English as a second language or are currently learning English as a second language. The rise of English as the “global language” has created an enormous demand for English teachers worldwide. Teaching English is an extraordinary tool Christians can use to further the gospel of Christ in open—and closed—countries across the globe.

What are students saying about TESOL?

TESOL was an excellent course! I would recommend it for anyone seeking further training in linguistics. This course brought to life how to incorporate knowledge and methods learned in the classroom and apply them to teaching students. I learned how to teach English with order and structure in a manner that pleases the Lord.
—Rosa Escalante

God allowed me to have the awesome privilege of jumping into the TESOL program this summer. I gained much needed insight in preparation and forming lessons adjacent to the art of actual teaching in an ESL classroom.

If I had not taken the TESOL course this summer, I would not have been able to adequately teach English to those willing to learn. God gave me an awesome opportunity to immediately use my TESOL training six days after the course ended!

A year prior (summer of 2010), my mother and I were asked to go to Korea and teach English at my mother’s home church in Korea. We were to be the guest teachers at their annual English (outreach) camp. Then in the spring semester of last year, the TESOL course was presented and God miraculously allowed me to take part in this course. God in His sovereignty already knew that I would need this course to teach English in Korea.

Once I arrived at the camp, I felt overwhelmed. The opportunity God had given me was more than I could ever handle on my own, and He knew it too. I needed His help above all. God used my training and preparation with His power in a greater way than I could have ever imagined. Only to the glory of God, 5 kids got saved and many dedicated their lives to the Lord! It was more than worth the time, preparation, and money. I would NEVER exchange this summer for any other.
—Kim Jarvis

Dates May 11- June 5
Times 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
Tuition 10 Credits / $350 per credit
Room/Board $125 per week
Textbooks ≈$150
Application Fee,* Due March 27th $100
*Application Fee will apply to TESOL tuition.

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