Zach Glenning | West Coast Baptist College
Zach Glenning

Zach Glenning


Zach Glenning graduated from West Coast Baptist College in December of 2020 with his Bachelor's in Church Ministries and finished his Master's in Religious Education a year later. He teaches in the Bible and Education departments and assist with academic advising. He and his wife Heidi are active in their local church ministry.

Phone Number: 
888.694.9222 Ex. 5101
BRE—West Coast Baptist College
MRE—West Coast Baptist College
Upcoming Classes: 
2024 Summer Bachelor's Terms A (5/13-6/29) and B (7/1-8/17)
Course Code Course Name
BI 110 Survey of Bible Doctrines
BI 291 Methodical Bible Studies
2024 Summer Get Ahead Terms A (5/13-6/29) and B (7/1-8/17)
Course Code Course Name
BI 110 Survey of Bible Doctrines
2024 Fall Semester On Campus
Course Code Course Name
ED 403 Classroom Technology
EN 101 Grammar and Composition 1
EN 101 Grammar and Composition 1